Thursday, May 26, 2005

Happenings II

I have to make it quick cause I'm on lunch break........

I'm at 24wks.

A couple days ago I was walking toward the office printer and the baby kicked so hard I actually stopped in my tracks and had to take a breath. Initially he** was on a schedule, where I knew that at 9am he would start kicking me, however, now it varies. He kicks, on some days, the whole day and others he's pretty quiet.

The baby's wardrobe is almost finished. We've been garage sale shopping these past few weeks and have spent alot of money, but have gotten some really nice stuff.

I'm big enough now that I don't fit into any of my pants, except the ones that have been lent to me or the two pairs of maternity jeans that I bought. My T-shirts are tight around my belly, but they still fit : )

**Disclaimer II** It's by the majority of people that I relinquish the use of "her" in most of my statements. One may pop up now and again.....for my sake. It seems that for the most part, the consensus is that I'm having a boy. But we shall see : ) : )

Boy or Girl? What do you think?