Thursday, November 30, 2006


Barend took his first steps two days ago. He took about five toward me. Just adorable. He hasn't done it again since, but every now and again you'll see him let go of the wall, a chair, or whatever he's holding to stabalize himself and take a small step forward to the next object of his attention. Still working on getting more teeth...not too fun, but he's still adorable.

Kazoo is beautiful, but sometimes lonely. We're here now, mostly moved in to our cozy little apartment downstairs of Travs parents house. We've been back to Lansing a few times to get Christmas decorations and a few odds n ends that we forgot. Oh, and to get the house "cleaned" for a showing we had yesterday. Not even going to say how it went, because I never know. Only God really knows when we're going to sell, however frustrating that may be. The snow may become an issue, due to the steepness of the driveways. I'll have to take some pictures : ) We are only a minute away from a ski slope, so if you want to come and visit we'll have to go skiing if we can get out of the drive.

I don't get a chance to get on the computer anymore. We have dial up now (no cable out here) and only one phone line, so I don't like tying it up more than I have to. My cell phone doesn't work out here unless I go outside and stand in one place or I drive closer to the expressway. You can call it and leave a message. I check them periodically.

Miss you back in Lansing! Thanks to Nicole and Chaz for checking up on the house now and again and getting our mail : )

Gotta some other stuff to do before kiddo wakes up : )

Come and visit sometime!!

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